Some provinces have seen their food businesses reopened in some capacity for a little while now, while others have just been granted permission recently. This week, some significant and positive changes are coming, particularly for one province that has been cautious about easing restrictions.
The following are the provinces and territories that will be seeing restriction changes this week or movements into the next phase of reopening.
The province of Ontario continues to take the regional approach when it comes to moving to Phase 3. Premier Doug Ford has announced that 24 of Ontario’s 34 public health units will move to Phase 3 on Friday, July 17. The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), along with Niagara, Windsor-Essex, Haldimand-Norfolk and Lambton will remain in Phase 2.
In Phase 3, restaurants and bars can conduct indoor dining again but must ensure that physical distancing measures are followed. They also must ensure that customers stay seated while eating and drinking.
Read the entire Reopening Framework here.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador is now in Alert Level 2 which means that bars and lounges are permitted to reopen with reduced capacity.
Read the entire Alert Level System here.
Nova Scotia
After operating with capacity restrictions since reopening, restaurants and bars in Nova Scotia can now operate at 100% capacity and serve customers until midnight.
Read the entire Preparing to Reopen Plan here.
Saskatchewan is still in Phase 4, however, restrictions have eased last week for bars and restaurants. Bars and restaurants are now permitted to expand their services as long as staff and customers are able to continue maintaining a two-metre physical distance. This is a change from the previous restrictions, which only permitted restaurants and bars to operate at 50% capacity.
Read the entire Reopen Saskatchewan Plan here.
As of July 1, Yukon has moved into Phase 2 of its reopening plan. With this move comes a lessening of restrictions for restaurants. Restaurants can now offer dine-in services at full capacity, as long as physical distancing measures are maintained.
Read the entire Reopening Plan here.
Other provinces and territories
The following provinces and territories are currently still in the same phase of reopening since our last update, or they have moved phases but have not made changes to food business restrictions:
Alberta — In Phase 2
British Columbia — In Phase 3
Manitoba — In Phase 3
New Brunswick — In “Yellow level”
Northwest Territories — In Phase 2
Nunavut — No changes to food business restrictions
Prince Edward Island — In Phase 4
Quebec — No changes to food business restrictions